Time: 28/04/2024 01:07:43.210+01:00 PID: AS-ResourceMgr_14228.10020.14

Request New ELMS2 User Account

Please complete the details below
Title: *
Forename: *
Surname: *
Work Email: *
Confirm Work Email: *
Tel No (Work): *
Mobile No (Work):
Base 1: *
Base 2:
Base 3:
Employing Body/Authority: *
Manager's Name: *
Manager's Work Email and Phone Number: *
Occupation/Professional Role: *
Elms Training Attended: *
Where/When Elms Training was Attended:
Types of equipment appropriate to your training and experience:
Can you confirm that you have received up to date training from your employing authority in approriate provision and use of data: *